Investment Services
Discretionary Managed Portfolios
Based on a detailed understanding of what you want to achieve and the risks you are willing to take, we create portfolios which enable you to focus on Asian markets or achieve more global exposure, providing a comprehensive choice of investment and currency options.
The portfolios we create for our clients invest exclusively in carefully selected, actively managed funds, harnessing the expertise of some of the best fund managers and investment companies around the world to capture opportunities across all global markets and asset classes.
Your diversified, discretionary portfolio may incorporate a mix of established proven brands across the spectrum of asset classes - domestic, international and emerging market fixed income and equities, as well as alternative investments - based on your individual needs.
- Global liquidity including multi-currency
- Domestic, global and emerging markets fixed income
- Domestic, global and emerging markets equities
- Multi-asset programmes
- Alternative investments – discretionary hedge fund portfolios and advisory hedge portfolios
Please get in touch with one of advisors here at RP Financial to find out more.
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