Investment Services

Property Investment

Hands-on help with property investment

We can help private investors with property investment through the significant contacts we have forged in over 10 years of business. Our advisors are well-placed to provide you with a range of investment opportunities, as well as being highly-experienced and happy to walk you through negotiating a contract from start to finish.

Property investment can vary from your first, or next, house to an empty plot of land to commercial property. Investment can be exclusive to you, or as part of a wider scheme. If you are investing alone, then the usual vehicle employed is that of a mortgage.

Naturally, different mortgage rules and conditions apply based on the planned use of the property, whether it is commercial or residential, or a mixture of both in the case of buy-to-let properties. The mortgage markets throughout the APAC region are very different so expert advice is essential.

Professional advice is a phone call away with an RP Financial advisor.

Benefits of property investment

The property market can be more stable than most, particularly where yields are concerned, so investment property generates stable returns to investors.

If you purchase property in the right location, the property value should increase over time and you can generate more profit.

There may be tax implications with property ownership, either annually or on disposal and we will give you the advice you require to manage your property assets in the most tax efficient manner.

Speak with one of our expert advisors today.